May 22Liked by subsomatic

Yes, yes, yes! There’s very much value in continuing to dump your thoughts online. I love reading your thoughts on things. They both give me new perspectives and inspiration and they make me feel less alone. So thank you for dumping your thoughts 😁

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Cheers. My partner reminded me last night that I don't need to follow any made up rules for this substack so I can keep writing if I'm moved to at a pace that makes sense for me. All too often, we forget the all the rules can be broken, especially the ones we make up ourselves!!

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May 22Liked by subsomatic

I find it really interesting and thought provoking to hear how people are navigating their ordinary lives. For me that’s usually the starting point for then going on to find out more about some bigger concept. So yes please keep thought dumping if you can !

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I will continue! My partner and I had a chat about it last night and reminded me that I'm allowed to do whatever I want in the spaces that I create lol

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May 22Liked by subsomatic

I like reading your thoughts here. I definitely relate to this post too. We live in a very small town in the middle of nowhere. On the one hand, we can live lightly and debt free because we bought our house for $2k years ago to get out here and our oldest three kids own homes very close to ours because fixer-uppers are still dirt cheap in our little town. We are able to forage and spend time in nature, grow a garden, opt out from the increasingly busy and expensive life I see in the bigger cities. We bought an abandoned church down the street for $10k during the pandemic and have turned it into a free community arts center where people can use art supplies, instruments, costumes and comfy chairs to create or just escape with art.

But it is also so very isolating being nothing like most of the people in this tiny town, and not having a support system other than our own family. I appreciate that we are making a safe place for area teens, especially the LGBTQ kids, and that I can do my work from here to help the world (I put out a free nature magazine for kids and their grown ups called Wild Kids Magazine to pass on skills like foraging, using invasive plants, using herbs, helping nature, etc.) but yes, we have to drive our mini-van to "civilization" to do anything, and we drive an hour and a half each way to a UU church most Sundays for community with like-minded people who care about others and the world.

Sorry for rambling, but yes I get it, and yes, I'd love if you continued to talk in this space too. Good luck with your impending move and all the new adventures coming there.

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Thank you Alicia! It sounds like you are doing good work and I wish we were closer. Hopefully more people will come around if you continue to create safe and welcoming spaces.

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I enjoy hearing your thoughts. As you said, you don’t need to follow any rules, you can write when you want to!

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Thanks Eleanor. Your support means so much :)

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