Sometimes I wonder a very same thing. Heavy work is used in the Montessori classroom as a way to help kids who feel disregulated find their bodies in space and collect themselves before or between really big new brain works. I’ve seen it’s effectiveness in children, so it makes sense that adults could emotionally and physically benefit from a more brain/body balance.

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Interesting! What is considered "heavy" work? My son was in Montessori for years but I don't know much beyond the theoretical basics.

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May 13, 2022Liked by subsomatic

Lifting or moving things that take most/all of their body at the brink of their maximum effort. So for different kids it’s different things. A very active, strong child may balance holding jugs and walk along a line. A more timid child may carry sandbags/bean bags on a flat spoon and balance it through an obstacle course. Kids are better at inventing these exercises in nature than teachers are in classrooms. Rolling logs, throwing big rocks, climbing trees, rolling down hills, jumping off “risky” ledges. They call for the same energy and they look “useless” but they serve deep purpose in our bodies.

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