Thank you so much for your vulnerability. I’m so glad you are finding ways to navigate the challenging times.❤️

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Thanks Kate. Talking about it seems to be a really good way to help navigate!

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Aug 9, 2022Liked by subsomatic

i can’t thank you enough for putting this out into the world. as someone who changes the situational often (always in hopes of finally slaying the depression dragon) i am beyond comforted by your words today Kel 🫀

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Thanks Meghan. I feel like the more we normalize, the better we can all feel ❤

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"You’re not broken: the systems are. So let’s create and write and share and make new systems that serve us better." yes! gonna paint this somewhere to remember! It helps me to know you're facing shit! lol. I'm always facing it too. I think we all are to some extent. one again, Alok's line comes back to me, "Need you". Always need you. The broken, the pride, the half-assed, the shadow, the accomplishment and the rubble. It's all part of the ecology of us. Thanks for writing.

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Thanks for this Maria. I waver back and forth so often between believing depression is an illness and believing depression is a natural response to collapse. It's probably somewhere in the middle, right?

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yes. and the more help we can get the better. i'm looking into psychedelic shrooms currently as a treatment for depression. honestly we need the help of the mushroom gods.

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